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Social Action at Temple Beth Israel

"Justice, justice you shall pursue."
Deuteronomy 16:20

Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) is an essential activity for Reform Jews. At Temple Beth Israel, our social action programs work to bring positive change to the York community – as well as to the wider world– in many ways. We welcome your thoughts on how to expand current projects – or launch new ones. Email Social Action Chairwoman Ellen Kay for more information on our projects.


Helping York's Community

Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen

Each month TBI members and friends bake enough casseroles to feed lunch to the approximately 300 people who eat at Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen in York City. For information, contact our Executive Director.

Download Recipe

York JCC Family Services (formerly Jewish Family Services)

TBI and our Religious School have a key role in the supporting the efforts of  Project Manna and Chrystal’s Place, the food bank of the Northeast Neighborhood Association.

Visit JCC Family Services

Recent Social Action Projects

Winter 2022-2023 may have been chilly but our members' warm hearts were ready to help those in need! From collecting basic essentials for Afghan refugees in Harrisburg to collecting coats, scarves, and hats for York area residents, TBI gave back to their local and larger community!

Coats for Friendship, an organization based in Glen Rock, PA, collects and distributes warmth to those in need. 

Learn more about Social Justice from a Jewish perspective:

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism  Israel Religious Action Center  National Council of Jewish Women

Mitzvah Corps for Jewish teens  Mazon, a Jewish response to hunger Bend the Arc

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784