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Prayer is a language that each of us speaks and hears in different ways. It is the language of our People, yet it is unique to each one of us. When we pray together, we try to find meaning within the chorus of diverse voices. Connecting with the souls of our extended family worshiping with us, our Rabbi shows us how the lessons from our past are as relevant to our lives today as they were for our ancient ancestors.

Through a wide range of spiritual experiences, TBI offers something for everyone, including Weekly Friday Night Services, monthly Second Friday Tot Shabbat and Family Services with the celebration of Birthdays, Life Cycle celebrations, an annual Marriage Reconsecration Shabbat, Saturday morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah services, and a monthly Friday night Torah service. We also include our Religious School students in many of our services throughout the year.

All congregation members are encouraged to participate in our worship, anyone interested is welcome to the bima for a Torah Aliyah, lighting Shabbat candles, and Kiddush. Additionally, those who are able can chant a portion from the Torah during our monthly Friday night Torah service.

Our services are fully egalitarian (men and women participate equally). We believe we have found a healthy balance between the traditional and the creative. Services are conducted with a fairly equal division of English and Hebrew. We use both traditional and contemporary melodies.

People who attend our worship services vary from those with traditional backgrounds to those who became Jews by choice.


Our current sanctuary, dedicated to Samuel and Clara Lebovitz in 1966, is the third prayer space to welcome TBI members and visitors to our congregation.

Our bima (prayer platform) was designed, in part, by Rabbi Eli Cooper, who was the rabbi at the time of this extension to the temple’s main building. It was constructed in the Classical Reform Worship style.

Hanging above the podium is our beautiful, artistic Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) which, as has been the tradition of the Jewish people for generations, serves as a symbol of God's eternal and imminent Presence in our lives.

The Eternal Light is never extinguished or turned off.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785